
Brand identity.
Creation of a brand based on the product.


Brand and product image.

Request: Creation of a brand and their product.
Idea and Key elements: Main product is a case for art supplies - Portable, handy and made of affordable and sustainable materials.
Here it was created various art tools cases for different materials, and the labeling of the art supplies included.

Flying House Lisboa

Creation of the main and subsequent brands and their stationery.

Brand: Flying House Lisboa
Business group, consisting of main brand with 10 subsequent brands. The company is directed mainly to young travellers and artists.
Request: Creation of the main and subsequent brands. With a young, dynamic, innovative, clear and direct image.
Key elements:
Airplane - Brand icon
Colors - Differentiation between each brand (airplane and brand designation)

Main brand
Flying House Lisboa

Subsequent brands
Art Residence - Residence for artists
Flying Club - Private parties
Flight Food - Catering services
Flying Events - Events Promotion
Positive Attitude Zone Management - Management of musicians
Privat Flying - Private parties for VIP’s
Flying Records - Audio recording studio
Flying Theatre - Theatre
Flying Studios - Art gallery
Flying Terrace - Bar, restaurant, Spa and Lounge space

sketches & studies

final brand


A new brand.

Request: Creation of a new brand and their concept.
Idea and Key elements: An environmental friendly way of pick-up and give a new purpose to products no longer wanted.
Here it was created the brand and their concept, a logotype, a mark, an idea as a secret ingredient that distinguishes the brand from others (core concept based), and the promotion of the new brand.

Os Maias

Image improvement.

Request: Remodeling the image of a portuguese classical literature novel, and the illustration of a book cover, e-book and dvd.
Key elements: Being a classical novel that portrays the society of the second half of the XIX century, and a romance through generations, the new image was based on time passing and a rose as the
romantic symbol.

e-book & book



Image redesign of a wine bottle.

Brand: Ribatejo D.O.C.
Request: Redesign of an existing red wine bottle in market.
Motive: The new image maintained the already existing theme - A special edition for the European Futebol Championship of 2004, which was held by Portugal that year.
Concept: The new concept was based on a symbol and action - A window with the Portuguese flag.
By the time of this championship, a large number of fans and Portugal team supporters would leave a Portuguese flag on the window as a symbol of support to the Portuguese team. This action led to a big collective movement seen all over the world, wherever there was a Portuguese futebol fan.
Key elements: Portuguese flag and specific elements of the flag, and the unique ball for the European Futebol Championship of 2004.

base concept

Sebastião Rodrigues

Creation of a logotype and their merchandising application.

Brand: Sebastião Rodrigues
A Portuguese graphic designer from the second half of the XX century.
Request: By exploring the vast collection of graphic Design artworks of this well known artist, to create a logotype as a brand and apply it on merchandising products.
Key elements: Original images from the artist's artwork collection.