
Promoting an event.

Dia Mundial da Reciclagem

Promotion of an event.

Request: To promote the Global Recycling Day.
Key elements: The concept image was created based on the already existing recycling icon, with application of different colours regarding different recyclable materials.


Promotion of an exhibition.

Request: To promote a musical exhibition for children.
Idea and Key elements: Being an exhibition of musical instruments held at a city park, for children to experience and play music and sounds. The concept image was created based on an instrument and a sheet music, presented as a children's game of connecting the dots.
The image transmits the hands-on experience, the theme and a special attention to the target audience - children.

poster & card invitation

Robert Longo

Promotion of an art exhibition.

Request: To promote Robert Longo's art exhibition, based on the artist's artwork collection.
Key elements: Original images from the artist's artwork collection.